Barcelona High Seas Regatta Team Building


Barcelona Regatta Team Building





This is not a leisure cruise but you do not need to be a professional crewman to enjoy it.  We have teamed with one of the finest local yacht clubs located in Barcelona to create this team experience.
Your group would be divided into groups of 6-8 and placed with a licensed experienced skipper who runs the team and the boat. Each team would have orientation with their individual skipper to familiarize themselves with the boats and basic sailing terms. Then a professional course is created in the beautiful waters in front of the Barcelona beach fronts.

The regatta starts out from Port Olympic by the Hotel Arts and Marbella beach in Barcelona.  Once your teams have left the port they have several hours to complete the regatta course that we lay out before hand (depending mostly on the winds). Each team will be required to perform several maneuvers around the predetermined course of buoys, performing basic sailing techniques and strategy.

The entire event takes 4-5 hours and includes the 9-10 meter yachts, the skipper, insurance, First Aid Kit, Jury boats, event staff, markers and buoys.

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