Barcelona Olympic Archery






MATTER SOLUTIONS Inc. – This Executive Coaching team brought one of their Fortune 500 clients to Barcelona to host a classroom seminar for 80 of their top people and invited us to be their local partner.  We were asked to integrate their coaching philosophy into classroom activities and 4 Barcelona team field trips.  We organized the logistics, creative direction & operations of their classroom training and conceptual field trips.   We created an experience to learn and explore the ins-and-outs of the philosophies of the Cosmo Caixa Museum, the Sagrada Familia, the Mies van der Rohel pavilion and the Olympic archery in Montjuic, while contrasting what they were experiencing with their own companies strategies.  We included several experts in the fields or locations they were visiting and experts of other fields that may not have been so obvious.  It was a great success.